Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Crumbling bridge receives make-over
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sexting, may not lead to criminal charges
After a Florida teen was faced with serious criminal charges, Vermont legislation is trying to pass a bill decriminalizing sexting by minors. According to a College News story:
* Sexting has become the latest teen fad. After a polling, 1 in 5 teens have admitted to participating in the criminal act.
* The Vermont lawmakers are proposing that the law be modified for minors between the ages of 13 and 18-years-old.
* All eyes are on Vermont to see if the proposed change will help find a punishment that fits the crime.
Kulture Hookah Lounge
From the finest flavored tobacco, freshest smoothies, the moist and delicious chocolate cake, and the best pita and hummus in town, Kulture has something to offer everyone. From live music to belly dancers, that’s what hookah life is all about. “Hooked on hookah?” asks Owner Riad aka “Ray” Adieh, on his clever employee tee shirts, and he’s hoping you will in this economic crisis. With live music on Friday and Saturday nights and a disk jockey on Wednesday nights, it’s always a party at Kulture, to get you out of your economic depression.
Ray previously resided in Jacksonville, Fla., before moving to this tourist attraction. I asked Ray, “Why St. Augustine?” he chuckled and said, “Because there ain’t shit to do in this town.” Being a freshman at Flagler College last semester, I know how right he is, but Kulture was a place for those of us, who aren’t that golden age of 21 yet, to have a fun and relaxed place to go hang out, and catch up on the new, up and coming hip culture.
Adieh started his business just shy of a year ago, in St. Augustine Fla., where as he says, “Nothings open past nine in this town”. He wanted to have the Kulture Hookah Lounge as a place for people to go after nine, particularly Flagler students. I asked Ray where he got his inspiration for owning a hookah lounge, and he said, “My back yard. When people come to Kulture I want them to feel at home and relaxed.” As relaxed and funny as Ray is, owning any kind of business takes a lot of hard work and extra effort to get off the ground, especially in this economic state, and it hasn’t been an easy task for Ray.
Construction of the building and following every code the city has in place, has been quite an undertaking for the owner. The city, being a big tourist attraction and vacation spot has a lot of rules and regulations that must be followed. For instance, hanging of decorations or cloth must be less than 20 percent of the total wall, as well as a hefty non-refundable cost of $400 per seat in the lounge and with 36 total seats, thats quite the cost. Along with these tedious policies, another obstacle Adieh faces, is getting his business recognition in the community. With construction still going on a year later, Ray is having a hard time coming up with any extra cash for advertisement.
In a small city like St. Augustine, word travels fast, which is helpful for smaller businesses like Ray's, where owners are simply trying to break even. Before owning Kulture, Adieh has had many other business ventures, which have helped him recognize the in’s and out’s of what it means to run a successful business. Taking on the restaurant business has helped him learn an important lesson, “I like taking bits and pieces of what others do, so I avoid losing money, by learning from their mistakes”. In doing so, Ray hasn’t forgotten about who his customers are, and what they like. Katie Garcia a Flagler student said, “ I love going to see my husband! Just kidding, but Ray already has my pita and hummus ready as I’m pulling my car into the parking lot, it really feels like a little hookah family, and Rays a big reason why.”
What does the future look like for Ray’s little slice of back yard, turned hookah heaven? Ray’s hopeful that the past year of up’s and down’s, regulars and incoming students, that business will pick up. Ray hopes to open up another hookah lounge in Jacksonville Beach, once the economy has risen above water. I am sure Jacksonville Beach will be just as happy to have him, as we are here. Besides once you go to Kulture, you will be “Hooked on hookah”, just as I have become a regular in Ray’s Kulture hookah lounge and plan to keep going back to my little hookah family.
Monday, May 18, 2009
“Legalize it”, most residents of the sunshine state are saying. After hearing of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pleas to lawmakers in California, to make the recreational use of marijuana legal. The governor plans to have lawmakers’ study the effects legalization has had on the other countries that have done so.
The governors plan to legalize and tax marijuana for recreational use, would help out California’s ever expanding deficit. This taxation would revenue over 1.3 billion a year, reported from USA Today. There are plenty of pros and cons to consider, but as most reactions I’ve encountered, people are ready to outweigh the bad.
“I think legalization would be good, for revenue and sales taxes, maybe used for schools. Also control importation of pot, and tax, tax, tax, just like alcohol and cigarettes.” Says an unnamed 48 yr old woman and interior designer, from Port St Lucie, FLA. The legalization of marijuana in Florida would help generate tax dollars that could be spent where its most needed; the school systems. "There are some school districts in Florida that are on the verge of serious, serious financial breakdown. And it's not because of mismanagement — it's simply because of the economic crisis." says Bill Montford, CEO of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents, found from USA Today.
Many argue that the effects of marijuana are far too harmful to consider. One Florida resident disagrees. “No one has ever died from over dosing on Marijuana, it acts as a natural pain reliever and muscle relaxer, as opposed to the several medications that are basically narcotics. I believe it should be regulated, but I also strongly believe it should be legal. It’s a plant for God's sake! If dandelion's could get you high, would they be illegal?” Chris Insidioso 29, Drummer from Orlando FLA.
Even some former law enforcement, are second-guessing their efforts, against the long battle on the streets with marijuana. “I was a cop for 30 years before this job, and have watched us loose the war on drugs. If you wanted to go buy dope, you could go to west king street and buy some right now, nothing to stop you. People that are going to use drugs are going to use them, those who don’t, aren’t going to. I say we legalize it all.” Unnamed Security Guard at Flagler College.
There was only one who had a slightly different opinion on the topic. “It will never fly. There is a national law that's against drugs and national government always overpowers the states. Although if Marijuana was legalized it would bring crime levels down significantly.”- George Betcha 19, and a student from Port St Lucie, Fla.
We’ve all seen the commercials where it suggests you become a different person when you smoke marijuana, or you loose your identity, but what we may be loosing out on, is a plethora of opportunities. The legalization of marijuana may be years down the road, but when government officials are talking, we may be headed in the right direction. The people have spoken, and it’s about time someone has heard them.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Eleven car smash-up and 300 chickens scattered across McFarland blvd.
Clarence DiMotta, a spokesperson from the DCH hospital, spoke on the conditions of all parties involved. DiMotta said that there were no serious injuries, although Sarah Bernell, a retired kindergarten teacher had a slight concussion, and Jeff Johnson, the driver of the chicken truck received bruises and a possible broken ankle. There were no other’s omitted to the hospital.
The president of the Alabama Poultry Inc. Carlton Fitzsimmions, is going to compensate Mr. Johnson and his family. The company had losses of $700 and filed the insurance claim for each of the 300 chickens. Fitzsimmions asks if any of the remaining chickens are found to call the police and have them returned.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Britney Spears Bitten by an Alligator while visiting Flagler College, in St Augustine FL
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Writing for Mass Media is important for me to develop my skills as a writer, mainly because of the field in Communications that I want to pursue. In Public Relations being a strong writer is important, and it is hard to get the job if your writing skills aren't well developed. My strengths as a writer I think are that, I can see things from all sides of an argument or topic, but still have a strong stand point one way or the other. My weaknesses are not knowing the fundamentals of basic writing format and style. I know in taking this class, I will build my skills further and learn proper format and style which will help me to become the writer I need to be in this growing profession.