“Legalize it”, most residents of the sunshine state are saying. After hearing of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pleas to lawmakers in California, to make the recreational use of marijuana legal. The governor plans to have lawmakers’ study the effects legalization has had on the other countries that have done so.
The governors plan to legalize and tax marijuana for recreational use, would help out California’s ever expanding deficit. This taxation would revenue over 1.3 billion a year, reported from USA Today. There are plenty of pros and cons to consider, but as most reactions I’ve encountered, people are ready to outweigh the bad.
“I think legalization would be good, for revenue and sales taxes, maybe used for schools. Also control importation of pot, and tax, tax, tax, just like alcohol and cigarettes.” Says an unnamed 48 yr old woman and interior designer, from Port St Lucie, FLA. The legalization of marijuana in Florida would help generate tax dollars that could be spent where its most needed; the school systems. "There are some school districts in Florida that are on the verge of serious, serious financial breakdown. And it's not because of mismanagement — it's simply because of the economic crisis." says Bill Montford, CEO of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents, found from USA Today.
Many argue that the effects of marijuana are far too harmful to consider. One Florida resident disagrees. “No one has ever died from over dosing on Marijuana, it acts as a natural pain reliever and muscle relaxer, as opposed to the several medications that are basically narcotics. I believe it should be regulated, but I also strongly believe it should be legal. It’s a plant for God's sake! If dandelion's could get you high, would they be illegal?” Chris Insidioso 29, Drummer from Orlando FLA.
Even some former law enforcement, are second-guessing their efforts, against the long battle on the streets with marijuana. “I was a cop for 30 years before this job, and have watched us loose the war on drugs. If you wanted to go buy dope, you could go to west king street and buy some right now, nothing to stop you. People that are going to use drugs are going to use them, those who don’t, aren’t going to. I say we legalize it all.” Unnamed Security Guard at Flagler College.
There was only one who had a slightly different opinion on the topic. “It will never fly. There is a national law that's against drugs and national government always overpowers the states. Although if Marijuana was legalized it would bring crime levels down significantly.”- George Betcha 19, and a student from Port St Lucie, Fla.
We’ve all seen the commercials where it suggests you become a different person when you smoke marijuana, or you loose your identity, but what we may be loosing out on, is a plethora of opportunities. The legalization of marijuana may be years down the road, but when government officials are talking, we may be headed in the right direction. The people have spoken, and it’s about time someone has heard them.
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