Thursday, May 14, 2009

Eleven car smash-up and 300 chickens scattered across McFarland blvd.

A large truck carrying 300 chickens, turned over causing an 11 car pile up, injuring more than 25 people and 300 chickens on McFarland Blvd. After the chicken truck made an illegal left turn, car after car plowed into the truck, killing 30 of the 300 chickens and 40 still remain missing. Police sergeant John Jones reported that the accident happened Wednesday. Jones said “ It was the biggest pile up I’ve ever seen, lots and lots of smashed bumpers, but the worst part was the screams of the chickens, those things sure do make alotta noise ya know.”


Clarence DiMotta, a spokesperson from the DCH hospital, spoke on the conditions of all parties involved. DiMotta said that there were no serious injuries, although Sarah Bernell, a retired kindergarten teacher had a slight concussion, and Jeff Johnson, the driver of the chicken truck received bruises and a possible broken ankle. There were no other’s omitted to the hospital.


The president of the Alabama Poultry Inc. Carlton Fitzsimmions, is going to compensate Mr. Johnson and his family. The company had losses of $700 and filed the insurance claim for each of the 300 chickens. Fitzsimmions asks if any of the remaining chickens are found to call the police and have them returned. 

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